We know that Ben can be the scariest part when it comes to any project. That’s why we work hard to ensure that there’s a 15-day price guarantee. The price of lumber and other materials fluctuate depending on the market so we try to make sure of the 15-day time. gives you enough time to decide whether or not you would like to move forward with the project. General Contractors Reno NV will bid you sometimes without telling you that the price will fluctuate. Integrity matters to us so we give you a 15-day timeline so that you understand that materials do move up and down in the market. We want to get you the best price possible.
when it comes to adding on things such as barbecues or sinks to your outdoor area that can always cause price to go up or down. General Contractors Reno NV will bid you sometimes without adding those but we go through a long list to ensure that we do not miss anything. Details Matter to us. so when you are choosing a company to do your remodel or your patio coverage construction. you will not be disappointed we are the best at what we do.
always make sure to fill out the contact us form online so that we can help get the most information to you in the accurate and efficient way. We do remind you that during this process there are extra cost that can sometimes arise. if we were to rip something out and there is mold or mildew behind it there may be an extra cost at getting rid of it. If insulation needs replaced , that can also cause costs to go up sometimes. These are just examples of things that General Contractors Reno NV has will sometimes leave out. not us we are honest and upfront about the way our business works and the cost that can arise during remodels.
If you have any questions I encourage you to reach out to us through our website. or go online and read our FAQ so that you can better understand what goes on behind the scenes. We are very honest and upfront about the process and are happy to talk you through any concerns that you may have about your remodel project. From poor Plumbing to electrical we take all of this into consideration and if you have any concerns we are happy to discuss them with you.
so go online to tripeakconstruction.com and make an investment in your future. We streamline our projects to suit your needs and timeline. I may want to make sure that we did not only for you but for our ability to help your dreams come to life. If you have any further questions about our bidding process think of us a call at 775-376-3190 we are happy to answer and go over this process with you. We are the best at what we do and we work hard to maintain ethics and communication as well as organization and integrity. We look forward to hearing from you.
General Contractors Reno NV | Jack of the trade
When choosing a General Contractors Reno NV it’s important to choose one that has been in the industry for a while. I’ve been in the industry since 1994 so I’ve seen a wide variety of projects. We specialize in commercial buildups and upfits that are improvements but we don’t limit ourselves to that. We also specialize in residential improvements and remodels. That’s why we offer patio builds. We don’t want to just box ourselves into one thing because we want to be able to better suit our clients.
We think it’s important to keep up with the ebbs and flows of the market so that we can better suit our clients needs as certain design Styles phase in and face out. General Contractors Reno NV has are able to do this too but we do it the best. You will be very happy with our company because we take pride and everything we do and pursue excellence in all of our projects. We keep a nice tidy organized and well designed space while doing the work so that we can make sure we disrupt as little as possible.
If you are looking for a General Contractors Reno NV just know that we are the best choice for you. We hold the license is necessary and are always willing to get extra policies outside of the ones we already hold if needed to complete the job. Our clients come first so we make sure we have all we need to get the job done right. jobs can range from a few weeks to a few months for longer projects; it all depends on the size of the project. We don’t back down just because a project looks like it will take time. We know that all good things take time. and when you care about the little details you spend that extra time.
When you choose our company you can rest assured that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. We make sure to invest your money, not just spend it on supplies. When we invest your money into top quality products it protects your investment long-term. something that may typically need to be replaced in a few years may not need to be replaced for at least 10 because we know how much top quality products matter. That’s why when you choose tripeak construction you are choosing the best option for you in the Reno Nevada area.
When you think of a general contracting company you think of us. we’re a team that has been going since 2015. has been in the game since 1994. Now that experience you can trust Feel better cells on our experience integrity and know that you will too. So when you think about choosing a company choose us first go online to tripeakconstruction.com or call us at 775-376-3190 and we will get you started today on your dream project. don’t forget that the details matter. We look forward to your call.